International Nature Journaling Week 2022

Disclaimer: I am not part of the organising team but am involved for some of the activities and resources. This post is my own initiative.

Nature Journaling Week
Join us for International Nature Journaling Week (1-7 June) to celebrate nature connection and find joy in the small things!

This year's International Nature Journaling Week (1st - 7th June) is all about "Back to Basics":

"Celebrating the beauty and simplicity of nature journaling and leaving behind anything that can complicate or distract us from the joy of connecting with nature through creativity." -

Daily themes

There are also daily themes (read more in the program):

  1. Appreciation
  2. Sharing
  3. Creativity
  4. Inspiration
  5. Confidence
  6. Care
  7. Celebration

There are many ways to join in - from just following #naturejournalingweek on social media and doing your own nature journaling around the daily themes, to watching the recorded activities and hopping onto Zoom for the live events. There are blog posts from people all around the world and you can subscribe to the newsletter to receive daily emails bursting with links for inspiration.

I will be aiming to nature journal each day, following the themes and sharing on Instagram (perhaps a video on YouTube too). Tonight I will be at the Zoom party for Day 1 - Appreciation, see you there?

Day 1 - Appreciation

What am I appreciating recently about my nearby nature? The weather is becoming cooler, with those crisp mornings but still wonderfully sunny days where the sun's heat can warm you up again. The sunsets in the past week have been beautiful, pastel-coloured sensations and I even ventured out to do a quick watercolour painting (at the cost of some mosquito bites unfortunately).

Yesterday I walked through my local bushland and my attention was caught by the textures around me - the cracks and hollows of a dead tree and the grass tree's reptilian-patterned trunk.

I'm also incredibly appreciative of Bethan and the whole team behind INJW. I cannot thank them enough for all the free resources and events they have created for us to enjoy in this wonderful community.

My reflections of the week

See the pages I created and listen to my highlights of the week in this quick recap: